i see from the spate of articles in todays UBP Gazette that even the editor Bill Zuill realizes that the UBP is obsolete and incapable of bringing down the PLP so they have decided that they will try and bring down the PLP. No one can argue with the importance of a FOI act but it seems kinda suspect that on the eve of the PLPs new 5 year term and the crumbling of the UBP that the gazette has decided that now is the time to launch yet another investigation into the PLP govt. - where was this clarion call in the 80s? If it were any other entity it would seem sincere but seeing that it's the UBP gazette it looks to be another attack on the PLP. I hope that when they're airing out all of this info that we find out who owns what and who is worth what and who really runs what as opposed to who sits on public boards. It seems like another stall tactic to keep the PLP govt. spinning its wheels defending itself instead of getting on with the business of running a govt. - and then in years to come they will attack the PLP for not running the govt,. properly - its' a nasty catch 22 - much like the games played on Bill Clinton by the republicans during his time in office (monicagate, white water, travelgate etc.) all while the US was enjoying unparalleled social and economic stability. It seems that with the UBP treading water that gazette is the last bastion of the "old ways". How many cops have been caught speeding?! A better question is how many blk writers are on staff at the gazette.
Monday, January 21, 2008
The UBP Gazette has become the Loyal Opposition
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10:34 AM