from Stu Hayward's latest babble in the Sun:
Let me say up front that I have no problem with pro-black initiatives. Every social and economic indicator reinforces the need to elevate opportunities and achievements for the black community in general. When, however, such initiatives are couched in anti-white terms or tinged with anti-white flavour, I have a problem.
hayward wears his race blindness on his sleeves but really seems to be only obsessed with making whites feel comfortable in spite of bda's poor present state of unfair wealth distribution. for me personally who's family and friends include asians, muslims, latinos etc. - it is even more obvious that seeings that hayward never mentions any races but the blk and white race that he isn't that interested or probably knowledgeable about race after all. he just knows how to make white people feel better so i guess in the minds of some he must seem pretty smart.
Hayward goes on to spout:
Any old revolutionaries can seek to advance their causes through the verbal and policy equivalents of Molotov cocktails. True statesmanship demands a less incendiary approach.
a young bdan environmentalist got to travel with mr. hayward, a former hero of the young person to an environmental conference in the Caribbean under Alex Scott's premiership where rather than offer some advice to this young bdan hayward chose instead to attach himself to the white members of the conference and do his self hating negro thing
and pls take note that under scott and smith hayward served on a govt. board yet during that time had no bad things to say about the PLP - it was only after losing his paycheque from the PLP govt. did he suddenly become a critic and pro UBP - says a lot of about his lack of credibility and true motives as is further evidenced in his
attack on the UBP while on the PLP payroll:
from the Royal Gazette - December 11, 2002
...Stuart Hayward has taken the UBPs [Mr Simmons] to task in a column published last week in the Bermuda Sun, calling him the UBP's poster-boy political hack. Mr Hayward went further, saying: "To provide an historical context, it wasn't uncommon during slavery times for a black man newly elevated to a position of power - as overseer, for example - to use the whip more often and more viciously than anyone could imagine possible."
...To find Hayward down here among us, banging his size 11 boots into the nearest UBP crotch, is a revelation - truly one of those Kodak moments someone was talking about the other day. Give that man a glass of champagne! He has earned it.
how does hayward go from "banging his size 11 boots into the nearest UBP crotch" to now himself being the poster boy for the UBPs nonsensical "can't we all just get along and keep the status quo"" race policy.
because he has no integrity.
it gets better
From the Royal Gazette Published: March 26. 2002 12:00AM
Editorial: Housing criticisms
In the wake of the revelations about the Bermuda Housing Corporation, someone, at some time, was going to blame the whole Housing Corporation problem on the media.
Earlier the same day, columnist Stuart Hayward claimed in the Bermuda Sun that the reporting of this newspaper, and its sister paper, the Mid-Ocean News, was a conspiracy to bring down the Premier.
it's seems that hayward is willing to not only support but defend the PLP as long as they keep him on the payroll. why else the change of heart. he has a column but has never spelled out why his views have so drastically changed - he now claims that the PLP has used the same "anti white" campaign election strategy for 3 elections - yet why was he not up in arms about this when he was on the govt. payroll?
and hayward finishes with this gem:
Now more than ever Bermuda needs true statesmanship to heal the wounds inflicted and widened by last month's election.
what a clueless clown. all he needs to do is go and wave at traffic in the morning and i bet they'd build a statue of him.
Saturday, January 5, 2008
Posted by
8:18 AM