Tuesday, December 25, 2007



the ubp started off as a reaction to the plp - it never had its' own momentum - its' own sense of self - it was a white fear reaction to a blk group of politicians getting together - it was never self defined, rather it was defined by the existence of the plp - it's a negative reaction to a positive action - like a recessive gene it cannot flourish for long - eventually that caught up to them - and like the NP in south africa, once the unfair political and social apparatus in bda had been dismantled the true voice of the electorate was heard - and it has asked over and over for the plp to be their govt.

having visited several polling stations and both party HQs - i realized why the plp not only has succeeded in the last 3 elections but how it persevered over the decades - 1.) it has a better built political machine 2.) it is really a party of the people - there were children, babies and young adults everywhere - at PLP hq, at the PLP rallies and at the polling stations: college students - high school students - you can see the future of the PLP right in front of you.

i didn't see that with the UBP - the PLP hq was abuzz with energy and love in the heart of court street - the ubp hq is a 2nd floor rented office with a few hired hands - nuff said.

at the victory rally children and babies mingled with the spirits of dame lois and freddy wade - it was all about love - the UBP victory parties where never like this.

at the end of the day the UBP was an aberration built on a falsehood - people like et richards, john swan, edness pearman etc. never really believed that the true spirit of the UBP was about love and acceptance - and if they did - they were soon proven wrong (hence julian hall, gwyn rawlins, max burgess and jahmal simmons' defections) - that's why as soon as that "bought" cadre of black men aged out of the UBP there was no jws jr. or edness jrs. to take their place - but donald evans (dame lois' son) was there for the PLP - delivering a heart felt prayer for dr. brown to triumph and standing w/ patrice minors as she crushed dibby dibby dunkley.

that's why the ubp has to depend on the dregs like tilman darrell, shawn crockwell, albertha wade. where are the young jack sharpes, ralph marshalls harry vieras? - nowhere - they don't exist - just like the UBP - pffft - outta here.

outside of derrick burgess' polling station - a nursery school of mini plp supporters sung "plp all the way" - they were right and they're reason why the plp has lived on and prospered and will live on while the UBP crumbles to dust.

* ps - watch 4 wayne furbert, donte hunt and kim swan to cross the aisle.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Gloom Doom Dunkley

Monday, December 10, 2007

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Tuesday, December 4, 2007




Dunkley at His Best - Man of the People


Monday, November 26, 2007


10 years AGO - when the PLP were surging to power on a vibe of love - the UBP used hate to try and scare the voter into thinking that the sky was falling.

1o years later, bermuda has top marks in the global financial ratings and the gold mine of a tourist industry that the UBP turned it's back on is revitalized and exciting.

guess what - the ubp nitwhits r playing chicken little again.

in Toronto where I live a good part of the year, we have only a smidgen of an island in the harbour - yet millions of Torontonians can't get enuff of it- SO, for the master minds in the UBP to think that they couldn't sell a real "tropical" island just 90 minutes from the east coast is a testAment to their wackness.

but the PLP haters and the UBP delusionals know that this election is not about whether the PLP is a better govt. or not - that's been proven - what this election is about is whether that last bastion of the old boy bda psyche will be banished forever so that the PLP, the opposition and the people of bda can move on in a free and fair society.

in the southern US they say that they know that they lost the civil war but some still fight to keep the confederate flag on top of the state capitol - because they are really in denial about the reality of the situation. there old ways were racist abnormal and nasty but they need to hold on to them for existential reasons - when what they really need to do is let go of the old wrong ways and embrace the positive new ways

in bermuda - many haters say that they can live with a PLP govt. IF we can look into Dr. Brown's house for cedar beams or of IF we can choose who the leader of the PLP is (we like anyone but brown they whine)

they just don't get it - the people have chosen the PLP to lead the country and the PLP has chosen Dr. Brown to lead it.

this attitude of thinking that though they are not the elected leaders of the country that they still should have some say is a residual effect of the white supremacy that some in the UBP suffer from.

UBP freak Chris Dunleavy and UBP "milkman/leader" Dunkley have jokingly both said in public forums that they get "it" - that the UBP deserved a "kick in the pants" in '98 but now they are ready to come back to power - they don't get it - the fact that they talk about the horror of the UBP years so lightly and now because they want to run things again they want back in - speaks to their cluelessness and sense of unearned entitlement.

their entitlement in which they believe in their heart of hearts that they have some god given right, on a whim, to look into any blk mans house, his sacred place if they so choose tells you all that you need to know about the new UBP - it's much like the old just as mean - only dopier.

If the opposition party think that an internationally accomplished doctor like Dr. Brown should kneel down and let some simpleton son of a dairy farmer walk though the doctor's house, snooping and prodding the way prospective slave owners did to slaves on the auction block trying to emascuclate the dr. as if he is not man - can you imagine how the UBP will treat the rest of us?!

Dunkley says he is about the future yet he has yet to denounce henry tucker, ss toddings and the racist history of his party - how honest is he then? Not very. Dunkley and the UBP are not about love - he is about only accepting change on his terms - that's why Wayne Furbert and Max Burgess had to go.


Friday, November 23, 2007


i'd like to reboot this site and re open it in a new operating system.
judging from the passionate responses there is a segment of bermuda that is very angry. and i'd like to know why. honestly. judging from what I read on certain sites, Dr. Brown seems to receive a lot of the blame. But I think it's deeper. Looking at old posts from limey and politics this frustration predates Brown by years. Alex Scott was pretty much as passive as you get as far as being a PLP leader and Jennifer Smith for all of her flaws has the personality that makes you chuckle rather than seethe.

a bit of reference:
In the late 90s after not being in bda for a while - i was having lunch with an old school friend on Front Street - he was a smart educated Blk bdan who was middle management at TELCO, and not particularly political. After we finished lunch I noticed that he didn't tip the waitress - when i pointed this out to him - he looked at me as if i was confused, he sucked his teeth and said quite casually, "She's white'."

The ease at which he dished out this casual dismissal was and is probably more common than many in bda would like to admit. and as i said this was a young man who as A political.

i had seen something similar years before i moved away - i was a substitute teacher at several primary schools on the island. most of the public schools were predominantly blk - but there was still a small population of white kids especially at schools like Gilbert etc. so even with 10 and 11 year olds i noticed a similar casual dismissal of the white students by the blk kids.

so now when i read the angry and frustrated posts (the ones that pre date me) that are on these sites i wonder if there is a connection. cause even when things aren't said things are felt.

as i said, many of the posters on these sites cite brown or the PLP etc. as the reason for these emotions - but from what i read it seems deeper - dunleavy's first posts over 5 years ago, pre BHC scandal, pre Dr. Brown indicate a frustration and anger that seems long gestating and rather than spontaneously reactive.

now i know i've made a lot of cyber enemies in bda's blogosphere so many of you will not take me up on my request - but i want to hear WHY the anger - and pls don't trot out the old standbys (religious, racial, cultural differences) - i think it's much deeper and probably more simple and concise than the complexities of things like moral outrage over political corruption (allegedly).

chris rock has a joke where dismisses the dr. phil/oprah like over psychoanalysis of why marriages don't work out - he says marriages don't work for one reason - nobody's with there first choice - it's simplistic but very revealing of a part of human nature that we don't like to admit to.

it's obvious what you all say your angry about - but is it true on a basic level - scriptwriting is about character discovery - putting a protagonist through every possible challenge, disaster, battle (think Luke in Star Wars) to see what is really at the core of a person, what a person is really made of. that discovery is what creates the truth in drama - the reason why we can watch a movie - know it's a movies and still cry when one actor kisses/hits another actor; the truth.

you can attack this request, dismiss it i understand - but i'd like to know and i think you would too.

my lay psychoanalysis of the situation is that subconsciously many of you see bda increasingly changing from a multi-racial country into a blk one - demographically bda seems to be becoming younger and darker while the white population gets older and smaller and that causes anxiety. throw in the mix a party like the PLP which is as much a social ans spiritual entity as it is a political one -and things appear even more daunting - just my observation.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

and more insanity

so much anger - i hope they don't start forming lynching parties again...

Anonymous said...

Vanz is a sad pathetic racist himself, raised in a dysfunctional household by a racist mother and an absent father. Vanz represents everything there is to hate about blacks.

Anonymous said...

vanz... you're gonna burn in hell for your evil nastiness... you want to play dirty? okay. you got it muthaf*cker!!!

Anonymous said...

Christian Dunleavy called out his deluded, hateful mother for her lies and racism (not that it stopped for from accepting help from well-intentioned whites when she needed it, mind) and he's waged a campaign of hate ever since. What a sad, sorry, bitter vacuum of a child ('man' would be giving you a compliment to which you are not entitled) you are. If you stood on the rug long enough, you'd suck it up your fucking pant leg. Good luck with your mommy fixation......

Anonymous said...

Vanz, you lying, nasty little racist. Honestly, the way you talk about others, who have repeatedly called you and your mother out for your lies and racism, you'd think they were running a drug supermarket, or something.......


Now they're angry because their hate for Bermuda has been outed. They preferred to stay in the dark corners and infect each other with their long gestating, puzz oozing anger:

Anonymous said...

vanze... i cannot believe that you actually outed those guys from BIAW. that is about the lowest you can sink without burning your ass in hell. you truly have demonstrated what a vile despicable lowlife you are. what goes around comes around, dude!

And another - such anger

Full MemberKarma: 19 OfflineGender: Posts: 192

"...it's clearly a desperate dirty blow... that only works for the twisted race pimp minds of the PLP blogthis kind of whining rhetoric is based on hypocrisy, since he,like Ex-con missing, were born with silver spoons in their mouths, his elitist inner circle never get their hands dirty from hard work like the Milkman this kind of black beret hate belongs in Cuba,Liberia,Zimbabwe and other repressive regimes.fact is most "blacks" are mixed race,and many are hiding behind the black beret rhetoric for entitlement benefits, since they are too lazy and passive aggressive to work for it like everybody else has to."

SOME ANGRY WHITE GUY POSTS FROM the Bda is another world Forum

"black dudes were getting out of their truck at the same time, and as we walked across the parking lot, they were eyeing me up with anger and hatred, I overheard "fvcking white boy"" That has NEVER happened to me in the 35 years I have been here... and if it ever does...YES I will speak up BIG TIME!!! I don't care if they use violence against me, or not, they will pay even more in the courts if they but touch me!! Seriously... I WILL NOT STAND FOR THAT KIND OF CRAP AT MY AGE."
Letariatpro Newbie
Warm Fuzzies: 8 Offline
Posts: 43
Re: Sell me on the PLP « Reply #53 on: Today at 01:30:32 PM »
I have experienced it before, but more as a youth getting on the Warwick Sec bus at Warwick Academy(which was always an experience), or various times in town, but I was young, and they were young, and I am largely non-confrontaional, so I just grin and bear it.
Perhaps if I was in my mid 30s, 20 years ago and this had happened, I would have said something, but I am not interested in finding out which black youths have guns or not.
jnc Full Member
Warm Fuzzies: 14 Online
Gender: Posts: 162
Re: Sell me on the PLP « Reply #58 on: Today at 02:01:13 PM »
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Quote from:

Uncle Elvis on Today at 12:10:10 PMWhen I read things like I did the other day, where someone said

"I am starting to get the sense that anti-UBP (aka anti-white) prejudice is so deeply engrained among a dismayingly high number of black Bermudians that they will never consider voting for a 'white' party. (And I believe I said as much at the time I first posted the suggestion, so no "moral superiority of black folks" here.)
My pessimistic sense is that that feeling is not going to abate any time in the next couple of decades. For one, there's still too much resentment over the past, and the economic disparities (which are written off as being caused by white prejudice). The fact that this election is even close is, IMO, sad testament to that.
Because I get the feeling that if the UBP can't win this election, nothing short of mass unemployment and hunger in the streets is going to have a hope of changing enough people's minds about them."


dunleavy was lying on his pro ubp/racist site again today:
"Secondly, I have never 'refused' to delete any comments. I've never been approached to do so. Never. Not once, have I Mr. Burt?"

Mr Burt, a graduate of prestigious George Washington University correctly pointed out that, ""Christian Dunleavy is an out-of-the-mainstream UBP partisan with a history of racial and cultural insensitivity,"

below are quotes taken directly from dunleavy's
culturally insensitive site - if this is what he prints can you imagine what he deletes - the anger and racist nature of these posts speak a lot about who dunlevy's site caters to:

The following captions are/where posted on the website: www.politics.bm and refer to the accomplished, black bermudian deputy female premier Paula Cox standing next to Hilary Clinton:

Hilary: "So tell me...how long have you been doing Al Jolson impressions?"
Posted by Martin at October 6, 2007 12:38 PM
Hilary - "Oprah, I'm so glad you could make it. I'm such a fan of your book club. Look everyone, Oprah's here!".
Posted by Proteus at October 5, 2007 08:01 PM
HRC: "Welcome to Washington, my my we've never seen so many Bahamians here before!"
Posted by Gombey House at October 5, 2007 08:37 PM

Shit. They told me I'd have to pose with someone that wasn't exactly photogenic but they never said I'd have to pose with someone that was butt ugly!!!!!
Posted by Blankman at October 5, 2007 07:41 PM


Wednesday, November 21, 2007


despite dunleavy's fake impassioned plea re; BHC - he's lying as usual - his father was a policeman and they lived in housing at Prospect provided by the Police service. Oncea liar always a liar.


people with even a passing understanding of basic psychology and basic british sociology have laughed for years at Chrissy Dunleavy's obsessive rants against Blks because they had so much to do with his internalized self hatred of having being born into the wrong class (as far he's concerned) - he's the typical average working class brit who felt he should've been a few rungs up in the class system. - this shortcoming has made him an angry little man who has decided like an angry bullied child to take his anger out on a 3rd party target - in this case Blk politicians.

like hitler not being accepted into art school dunleavy failed to be deemed of any importance even within the UBP the party that he rabidly hid behind to cover his blatant racists attitudes.

having lost spectacularly at his stab at elected office - dunleavy went on to somehow convince his "dad" bill zuill to let him use the UBP Gazette as his sniper's tower to attack blks.

in his latest opinion i mean tantrum he attacks the elderly Rhode scholar Dr. Eva Hodgson delusionally blaming her for the fact that he had to live in rental housing due to his dad's low paying job as a cop from the UK. he also somehow implicates her in the stolen BHC documents - if it wasn't sad it'd be funny.

he sums up this hogwash by claiming to have not enjoyed white privilege. he must not be aware of the stats that show that even in this day and age a white male high school drop out with a criminal record is more likely to be employed than a blk male high school graduate with no criminal record.

he certainly enjoys white privilege at his job where he is allowed to bad mouth and spread lies about blk govt. officials - many of us remember hat under the UBP if a blk employee had bad mouthed a white govt. official his job and home would be taken (just ask Max burgess)

interesting thing about about his employer AXIS - according to the photos on th website - management seemw to consists of all white men and one white woman. gee, chrissy is finally at home - kudos to him

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

The UBP LIes About Tourists Numbers

Tourism & Business

The Nixonian like tricks that the UBP use are vast, varied and all lies. One of the BIG lies that they peddle is the one where they try and nitpick about biz travelers and "pleasure" travelers. Right off the bat, as far as the economy in Bda goes - it doesn't really matter if a person on a biz trip or a pleasure trip spends money in bda. It all puts the same people to work.

The UBP spinners would like you to think that this is actually a bad thing by falsely fabricating that a problem exist if some of the people spending money to fly/cruise to, to stay in and to eat in Bda are here on biz rather than on a honeymoon. They actually diss Dr. Brown for increasing the number of biz travelers to Bda.

Stats tell us that NYC is one of the main tourists destinations in the world - below is an excerpt from the highly respected newspaper of Tufts University talking about how NYC is rebuilding it's tourist industry:

and get this - by focusing on the biz traveler (hmm, sounds like Dr, Brown's strategy) - and the man spearheading this approach in NYC is being applauded for this effort -

so? why are teh UBP dissing dr. brown for taking the same approach here i wonder - i'm sure NYC knows something about attracting tourists dollars:

Take a read and see how NYC (tourist mecca) not only makes little distinction btw the biz traveler but seems to be targetting the biz traveler above all else - now granted Bda's set up re; tourism and brand is different than NYC - but I think that Dr. Brown is on to something - yet the YBP clown brigade is trying to hold Bda back yet again.

Rebuilding NYC's Tourism Industry

The job of bringing visitors back to NYC now lies on the shoulders of Tufts graduate Jonathan Tisch - the new head of the city's tourism agency.

"...those connections may prove particularly important as Tisch attempts to achieve his second goal - the expansion of New York's convention center. (biz related tourism)

"Right now, it doesn't even rank among the 10 largest exhibit halls in the nation," reported Newsday. "The hope is that a bigger hall will attract bigger conventions, thereby filling city hotels, restaurants and shops."

Monday, November 19, 2007

Shining Shoes

from Facebook Group:On December 18th, I will be voting for the United Bermuda Party!

"Most times when I hear someone on the radio talk shows talk negatively about Dr. Brown their reasons for their anger doesn’t add up. Reading between the lines I can’t help but think that this anger is not just about alleged corruption. When someone suggests that it maybe racists in nature, people get very upset - racism is not as simple as whites hating blacks. In the deep south, racist plantation owners would have their black female slaves raise their children for centuries, in many parts of the US today wealthy whites have no problem with Latino women raising their children - yet many of these families may harbour racist attitudes. Racism was and is never about simple hate.

Plantation owners didn't hate the mammies raising their babies but they did hate the uppity slaves who didn't behave in a way that made them comfortable. White men in the south in the 1960s didn't hate the shoe shine boy but they did hate civili rights workers, both Black and white who asked for equal rights.

So when people call into the radio shows exhibit anger toward Dr. Brown - they're right when they say it's not because Dr. Brown is a Black man, but it is because Dr. Brown is a Black man who is asking for equal rights as opposed to asking to shine shoes."

Friday, November 16, 2007

The Pot Calling The Kettle Black

it's funny that the ubp is calling the plp corrupt - here's an excerpt from ex UBP premier David Gibbon's biography/book about how things were under the UBP in the late 70s and people like grant gibbons and michael dunkley are probably still benefit ing from those crooked practices to this day:

"Another example of government working in concert with Kenneth Clark (US consultant) was with discrimination in the tendering of government contracts. Black contractors complained that all the government contracts were allocated among a select group of white, mainly UBP-supporting contractors; none of the contractors that won bids was black. "

yeah, let's vote them back in...

Dibby Dunkley is no JFK

i have lived (sometimes for short periods) in the uk, the US, south africa and canda and have made great white friends in all of these countires - but i can't say the same about bda - john barritt has said the same thing in reverse - he too did not know the reason - my personal feeling is that when would be open minded influential whites lik egraham gibbons, dunkley etc come back from school - they actually just revert to following in their "dads" footsteps - socially and politically - though we've had blk bridge builders like john swan, quinton edness, CV woolridge etc - we have never had a white bdan jfk or bill clinton, eleanor rosselvelt - a white leader who bridges the race gap -

until white bda feels comfortable with a leader who is blk, male and aggressive - which historically white men have had problems with - nothing will change

UBP's Dunleavy wants to do away with Mirrors Program

Despite the success of The Mirrors program in saving the lives of many young at risk Bermudians and getting them off of the street to give them a purpose in life, long time UBP supporter Christian Dunleavy has come out against it in his latest racist blog:

"The extension of the Mirrors program (agreements)...the UBP is under no way committed to these 'agreements'."
From Christian Dunleavy at Politics.bm

Thursday, November 15, 2007


foreman of the jury that convicted Terrence Smith of defrauding the Bermuda Housing Corporation — had political links to Michael Dunkley of that party.

Smith, who is black, claimed allegations against him were racially motivated and that he experienced racism in his Tee Street, Devonshire, neighbourhood.

"I've been going through hell with the neighbours in the area, and I know for a fact that Mr. Michael Dunkley, when he found out that a black boy was going in that neighbourhood, he wanted to buy the house,"

He labelled the racism claims about Mr. Dunkley as "hearsay"

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Campaign Week In Review: Studies Show PLP Wins Week 1

The first week and a half of the campaign have been interesting for a number of reasons.

Sometimes it's better to be lucky than good, and I think that the first 10 days of the campaign, while relatively low key, were very positive for the PLP.

The PLP held the upper hand in knowing the timing of the election and cued up a strong first week while the other party scrambled, seemed surprised and disorganized.

The PLP started the campaign with a speech by Dr. Brown at the PLP Banquet which left many Bermudians invigorated.

Most revealingly about the UBP during this week was the state of unpreparedness illustrated by their: Agenda for Change

The UBP Agenda was notable for two reasons:

1) It was devoid of any real content, and very little substance and;

2) What little content existed was full of errors and looked incredibly amateurish and rushed.

Today the PLP got more TV ads online, and are looking organized and on point than ever.

Seven weeks is a pretty long campaign so clearly both parties need to pace themselves and build momentum for a strong finish, but the Premier cleverly played some key cards earl.

Meanwhile, the UBP's actions suggests that they are looking at numbers or are receiving feedback that shows that their core support (whites) is weak and that they needed to try and shore that up quickly, hence Dunkley's constant "I love blk people rant."

I think it's safe to say that the UBP is facing the very real prospects of not just a defeat yet again but of a dismantling for good. with no real youth movement and gibbons ( the brains) and Dunkley (the muscle/money) seeming ready for retirement to the golf course and their children's foriegn educations - this is the end f the line for party forever linked to its racist past.

It's still early, and both parties will have their good weeks and make some mistakes along the way, but I'd say that the early days of the campaign were positive for the PLP, who must be feeling pretty good right now about their prospects.

Truth Telling


Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Racist UBP Gazette Continues Charade

sadly the UBP (royal) gazette continues to
ignore the rules of fair minded journalism in it's bid to lynch the Black govt. leaders in bermuda. 2days front page UBP attack ad which contains the stolen private notes of the Health Minister is yet another example of the fact that the gazette is nothing but the media arm of the UBP. it's funny how herr zuill and his cadre of out of work
british writers (the royal gazette seems to be an employment program for british journalist who can't get work in the UK) behave as if they're the 2nd coming of woodward and bernstein and the washington post circa the watergate era - but in reality they have more in common with the anti Black/ANC propaganda journalists of South Africa's apartheid era.

Friday, November 9, 2007

The UBP's Mind control and propaganda

I believe the UBP, politics.bm and Limeyinbermuda.com websites have to be viewed against the audience it is directed at. They would always vote UBP regardless of who is the leader and equally never vote UBP, or any other party, regardless of that party’s leader. Treat the comments as an object lesson in mind control and propaganda.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Is This What Dunleavy Really Feels About Blk People?

The following captions are/where posted on the website: www.politics.bm and refer to the accomplished, black bermudian deputy female premier Paula Cox standing next to Hilary Clinton:

Hilary: "So tell me...how long have you been doing Al Jolson impressions?"
Posted by Martin at October 6, 2007 12:38 PM
Shit. They told me I'd have to pose with someone that wasn't exactly photogenic but they never said I'd have to pose with someone that was butt ugly!!!!!
Posted by Blankman at October 5, 2007 07:41 PM
Visibly dis-pleased and barely able to crack a smile, Coxy didn't have the heart to tell Hilary that when she was talking about HRC, she didn't mean Hilary Rodham Clinton.
Posted by Proteus at October 5, 2007 07:59 PM
Hilary - "Oprah, I'm so glad you could make it. I'm such a fan of your book club. Look everyone, Oprah's here!".
Posted by Proteus at October 5, 2007 08:01 PM
HRC: "Welcome to Washington, my my we've never seen so many Bahamians here before!"
Posted by Gombey House at October 5, 2007 08:37 PM
Hilary - "And with us tonight is the spokesperson for the Association of Vertically Challenged Persons.. Err... What? That's NEXT week... ???"
Posted by Lewis Padgett at October 5, 2007 10:38 PM

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

is this really where we want to go back to?

is this really where we want to go back to?

"the joyful lynching" of Black men who stand up for themselves:


Vote PLP - or its back to u know what...and u know who running us...


"we almost got us another one huh, jeb (puff, puff)? soon as we neuter the alpha male, we'll smoke the rest of these uppity afro-bdans back to their places, eh, eh, eh."


Do It Different This Time


in 1902, Pastor Charles Monk of Allen Temple in somerset stood up for the rights of black people when he published accounts of the mistreatment of black labourers working at the Royal Naval Dockyard in his newspaper the New Era - Monk was quickly charged and found guilty* of criminal libel and spent 6 months in jail, stripped of his money and he left Bermuda soon after; chased out.

*years later the Colonial Office in London discovered that the judge in that trial was corrupt and unfit to be a magistrate.

in 1920 Reverend Richard Tobbitt of the Richard Allen Church in St. Georges was the respected headmaster at St. Georges Parish school, one of only 2 high schools for black children on the island. However when then governor, Willcocks discovered that Tobbitt was a "garveyite" espousing black empowerment in bermuda, he instructed the govt. and the board of education to threaten the AME church (who ran the school) that they'd cut off funds to the school unless Tobbitt was fired. They did, Tobbitt was fired and he too left Bermuda soon after.

in the 40s dr. e. f. gordon tried to create a unified front while lobbying for fair labor practices and for Black representation on the powerful all white Labour Board - the board went behind gordon's back and "chose" 2 Black men of their "liking" to sit on the board. the unity was broken and workers had to take what was given to them.

in 1959, dockworker joe mills tried to form a unified front for the dock workers under the BIU against the unfair practices of the stevedores. the stevedores engineered dissidence among union members by a.) using a smear campaign against mills and b.) encouraging the formation of a rival union, as a result a rival union, the bdwu was set up and again the unity was broken and workers had to take what was given to them.

in 1965 the BIU tried to form a unified front against belco over working conditions and wages at the power company. belco ,to diminish the strength of the biu, encouraged some workers to set up a rival union, the ESTU, the unity was broken and workers had to take what was given to them.

in the 80s, while on the verge of success, infighting within the plp caused a split and the party suffered. the unity was broken and the ubp stayed in power.

in the 90s, some bermudian kids of the same colour started to divide themselves into "town" and "country" factions and began fighting each other. unity was broken and the island suffered as whole.

today, there seems to be a division in the plp between the central committee and the local committee that threatens the progress that has been made.

it's as if the powers that be have used their bullying tactics and their divide and conquer tactics so effectively that we now just bully away our leaders ourselves, or we just divide and conquer ourselves. it's time for a change.

in 1981. the biu held a massive general strike action that many other unions came out to support - this time unity was held and the union was victorious on a landmark labour ruling. let's take a lesson from that moment in history and be victorious again.

Dunkley: Double Talk & Double Standards.

Within hours of the election writ being dropped the UBP kicks things off with another of their website hit pieces, this one called "Bermuda Deserves Better’".

You don't need to read more than the first paragraph to see the tone of campaign that the UBP intend to run:


Ok, let's dismiss the beginner levels.

Firstly, common decency demands that you don't attack someone personally with utter lies. Let's at least have the maturity and guts to give the PLP credit where credit is due in these areas. To do otherwise is cowardly.

Secondly, by Dunkley criticizing someone of gutter politics, while resorting to gutter politics in the same breath doesn't really seize the high ground does it?

Thirdly, we might recall that not long ago, Dunkley was delivering a speech using illegally stolen police documents. That would be both immoral and unethical.

The UBP hypocrisy is simply astounding. Not only are they guilty of Double talk, but of double standards as well.

Dunkley has repeatedly run a dirty campaign of lies and hysteria, but the PLP have stayed very measured through it all. The hysteria and low blows has been entirely from the UBP camp, culminating in the disgraceful use of the pro UBP media for vicious personal attacks and character assassination.

There have been some big lies coming out from the UBP lately, but particularly in the wake of the stolen Police files. Namely that the files were not stolen.

This is only going to get worse though as the 7 week campaign progresses. In fact, the black UBPers have been pretty wound up since Dunkley stabbed Wayne Furbert in the back and took over, and the problem is that you can't keep escalating this kind of backstabbing without completely losing credibility.

Now on to what this is really about: "Dunkley can't be trusted."

The UBP are aware that the public (and apparently many in the party) have trust issues about Dunkley because he stabbed his so called friend Wayne Furbert in the back to steal the leadership of the soon to be defunct UBP, so they're trying to create some false doubt about the PLP.

Despite Dunkley's flights of fancy, this isn't a Presidential election. The hysteria, lies and politics of personal destruction are what Dunkley and his inner circle tried to achieve with the stolen Police files.

These are only the earliest days of this campaign. That kind of start on the UBP's part doesn't bode well.

The PLP should stay above the fray and not take the bait. The UBP want a drag down knock down nasty fight, but they want to transfer their tactics onto the other side.

If he starts this way, imagine how Dunkley'll have to finish?

Limey's daily lies site has this beauty 2day:

from: limeyinbermuda.com

"it was not the Ombudsman that first brought these allegations (of racism toward blk doctors at KEMH) to public attention. It was the Mid Ocean News, in a story in March 2006."

but what about the fight that early labor leaders Dr. Cann and Dr. Gordon waged against the racist hospital board in the 40s and 50s and the on going complaining by blk doctors in the 80s and 90s about the situation there. that didn't count huh - it was all the MO - who's feeding him this stuff - herr zuil?

he's getting funny now- how will he keep this up for 45 days if he is outright lying already - the racist mid-ocean is the saviour of blk doctors there? uhhh - sure, limey.

what's worse is that the way that limey worded his post insinuated that the presence of racism at KEMH was somehow "discovered" by by the MO is ridiculous and a lie - if he meant that he was just talking about a very specific case then he didn't say that in his post, "However it was not the Ombudsman that first brought these allegations to public attention. It was the Mid Ocean News, in a story in March 2006."

First? - people have been complaining about that for decades - as a matter of fact dr. brown himself was a victim of the racist medical community in bda when he first finished med school -

we need to know our bdan history; blk doctors and nurses have been fighting racism at the KEMH since day 1 - matter of fact in the big scheme of things it wasn't that long ago that blk nurse couldn't even work at the KEMH - our present Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Cann's mother was one of those blk nurses - that's how close we are to that kind of hatred.

so for limey to big up the MO of all papers, discovering racism at the KEMH in 2006 is a slap in the face to real blk history

Sunday, November 4, 2007


On December 18th, this general election will dictate Bermuda's future. A vote for the PLP will ensure that we move forward as a country. A vote for the PLP ensures that al of our children will have a fair shot at the success that has been denied to many Bermudians in the past . This election is about finally saying goodbye to the failed and unfair policies and practices of the UBP and progressing forward with the Progressive Labour Party.

I'm voting for the PLP because they get the job done. The UBP said that Tourism was dead but the PLP resurrected it. The UBP said that international business jobs should be for a chosen few - but the PLP said that those jobs should be for everyone. The UBP abandoned the public school system because it was of no use to them and their children. But the PLP are making sweeping changes to the public school system so that all children regardless of their economic background, are equipped with the academic skills needed to compete in the future.

Over the last decade the PLP has ushered in a period of great economic growth and stability that has seen both tourist and business' flock to our shores in record numbers; bringing jobs and revenue to be shared by all of us in this country. And along with this boom, the PLP has built scores of affordable housing in order to make sure that our children all have a fair chance to own a piece of this island. The PLP has made it possible for more Bermudians then ever to own homes and will continue to do so.

All of these successes of the PLP are as a direct result of the PLPs inherent and original commitment to right the injustices and the discriminations of the past by making sure that we all have a chance to participate in Bermuda's successful future.

But the long knives of the opposition are out and they are committed to dragging Bermuda back to the unfair Bermuda of their grandfathers, so winning this election won't be easy - but, if we, the people of Bermuda, from east to west, organize and rise up, we will win.

Support of the PLP and visit their website, www.plp.bm, to get involved in your future.