"it was not the Ombudsman that first brought these allegations (of racism toward blk doctors at KEMH) to public attention. It was the Mid Ocean News, in a story in March 2006."
but what about the fight that early labor leaders Dr. Cann and Dr. Gordon waged against the racist hospital board in the 40s and 50s and the on going complaining by blk doctors in the 80s and 90s about the situation there. that didn't count huh - it was all the MO - who's feeding him this stuff - herr zuil?
he's getting funny now- how will he keep this up for 45 days if he is outright lying already - the racist mid-ocean is the saviour of blk doctors there? uhhh - sure, limey.
what's worse is that the way that limey worded his post insinuated that the presence of racism at KEMH was somehow "discovered" by by the MO is ridiculous and a lie - if he meant that he was just talking about a very specific case then he didn't say that in his post, "However it was not the Ombudsman that first brought these allegations to public attention. It was the Mid Ocean News, in a story in March 2006."
First? - people have been complaining about that for decades - as a matter of fact dr. brown himself was a victim of the racist medical community in bda when he first finished med school -
we need to know our bdan history; blk doctors and nurses have been fighting racism at the KEMH since day 1 - matter of fact in the big scheme of things it wasn't that long ago that blk nurse couldn't even work at the KEMH - our present Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Cann's mother was one of those blk nurses - that's how close we are to that kind of hatred.
so for limey to big up the MO of all papers, discovering racism at the KEMH in 2006 is a slap in the face to real blk history
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Limey's daily lies site has this beauty 2day:
Posted by
9:01 AM