Thursday, November 22, 2007

and more insanity

so much anger - i hope they don't start forming lynching parties again...

Anonymous said...

Vanz is a sad pathetic racist himself, raised in a dysfunctional household by a racist mother and an absent father. Vanz represents everything there is to hate about blacks.

Anonymous said...

vanz... you're gonna burn in hell for your evil nastiness... you want to play dirty? okay. you got it muthaf*cker!!!

Anonymous said...

Christian Dunleavy called out his deluded, hateful mother for her lies and racism (not that it stopped for from accepting help from well-intentioned whites when she needed it, mind) and he's waged a campaign of hate ever since. What a sad, sorry, bitter vacuum of a child ('man' would be giving you a compliment to which you are not entitled) you are. If you stood on the rug long enough, you'd suck it up your fucking pant leg. Good luck with your mommy fixation......

Anonymous said...

Vanz, you lying, nasty little racist. Honestly, the way you talk about others, who have repeatedly called you and your mother out for your lies and racism, you'd think they were running a drug supermarket, or something.......