i'd like to reboot this site and re open it in a new operating system.
judging from the passionate responses there is a segment of bermuda that is very angry. and i'd like to know why. honestly. judging from what I read on certain sites, Dr. Brown seems to receive a lot of the blame. But I think it's deeper. Looking at old posts from limey and politics this frustration predates Brown by years. Alex Scott was pretty much as passive as you get as far as being a PLP leader and Jennifer Smith for all of her flaws has the personality that makes you chuckle rather than seethe.
a bit of reference:
In the late 90s after not being in bda for a while - i was having lunch with an old school friend on Front Street - he was a smart educated Blk bdan who was middle management at TELCO, and not particularly political. After we finished lunch I noticed that he didn't tip the waitress - when i pointed this out to him - he looked at me as if i was confused, he sucked his teeth and said quite casually, "She's white'."
The ease at which he dished out this casual dismissal was and is probably more common than many in bda would like to admit. and as i said this was a young man who as A political.
i had seen something similar years before i moved away - i was a substitute teacher at several primary schools on the island. most of the public schools were predominantly blk - but there was still a small population of white kids especially at schools like Gilbert etc. so even with 10 and 11 year olds i noticed a similar casual dismissal of the white students by the blk kids.
so now when i read the angry and frustrated posts (the ones that pre date me) that are on these sites i wonder if there is a connection. cause even when things aren't said things are felt.
as i said, many of the posters on these sites cite brown or the PLP etc. as the reason for these emotions - but from what i read it seems deeper - dunleavy's first posts over 5 years ago, pre BHC scandal, pre Dr. Brown indicate a frustration and anger that seems long gestating and rather than spontaneously reactive.
now i know i've made a lot of cyber enemies in bda's blogosphere so many of you will not take me up on my request - but i want to hear WHY the anger - and pls don't trot out the old standbys (religious, racial, cultural differences) - i think it's much deeper and probably more simple and concise than the complexities of things like moral outrage over political corruption (allegedly).
chris rock has a joke where dismisses the dr. phil/oprah like over psychoanalysis of why marriages don't work out - he says marriages don't work for one reason - nobody's with there first choice - it's simplistic but very revealing of a part of human nature that we don't like to admit to.
it's obvious what you all say your angry about - but is it true on a basic level - scriptwriting is about character discovery - putting a protagonist through every possible challenge, disaster, battle (think Luke in Star Wars) to see what is really at the core of a person, what a person is really made of. that discovery is what creates the truth in drama - the reason why we can watch a movie - know it's a movies and still cry when one actor kisses/hits another actor; the truth.
you can attack this request, dismiss it i understand - but i'd like to know and i think you would too.
my lay psychoanalysis of the situation is that subconsciously many of you see bda increasingly changing from a multi-racial country into a blk one - demographically bda seems to be becoming younger and darker while the white population gets older and smaller and that causes anxiety. throw in the mix a party like the PLP which is as much a social ans spiritual entity as it is a political one -and things appear even more daunting - just my observation.
Friday, November 23, 2007
Posted by
9:42 AM