10 years AGO - when the PLP were surging to power on a vibe of love - the UBP used hate to try and scare the voter into thinking that the sky was falling.
1o years later, bermuda has top marks in the global financial ratings and the gold mine of a tourist industry that the UBP turned it's back on is revitalized and exciting.
guess what - the ubp nitwhits r playing chicken little again.
in Toronto where I live a good part of the year, we have only a smidgen of an island in the harbour - yet millions of Torontonians can't get enuff of it- SO, for the master minds in the UBP to think that they couldn't sell a real "tropical" island just 90 minutes from the east coast is a testAment to their wackness.
but the PLP haters and the UBP delusionals know that this election is not about whether the PLP is a better govt. or not - that's been proven - what this election is about is whether that last bastion of the old boy bda psyche will be banished forever so that the PLP, the opposition and the people of bda can move on in a free and fair society.
in the southern US they say that they know that they lost the civil war but some still fight to keep the confederate flag on top of the state capitol - because they are really in denial about the reality of the situation. there old ways were racist abnormal and nasty but they need to hold on to them for existential reasons - when what they really need to do is let go of the old wrong ways and embrace the positive new ways
in bermuda - many haters say that they can live with a PLP govt. IF we can look into Dr. Brown's house for cedar beams or of IF we can choose who the leader of the PLP is (we like anyone but brown they whine)
they just don't get it - the people have chosen the PLP to lead the country and the PLP has chosen Dr. Brown to lead it.
this attitude of thinking that though they are not the elected leaders of the country that they still should have some say is a residual effect of the white supremacy that some in the UBP suffer from.
UBP freak Chris Dunleavy and UBP "milkman/leader" Dunkley have jokingly both said in public forums that they get "it" - that the UBP deserved a "kick in the pants" in '98 but now they are ready to come back to power - they don't get it - the fact that they talk about the horror of the UBP years so lightly and now because they want to run things again they want back in - speaks to their cluelessness and sense of unearned entitlement.
their entitlement in which they believe in their heart of hearts that they have some god given right, on a whim, to look into any blk mans house, his sacred place if they so choose tells you all that you need to know about the new UBP - it's much like the old just as mean - only dopier.
If the opposition party think that an internationally accomplished doctor like Dr. Brown should kneel down and let some simpleton son of a dairy farmer walk though the doctor's house, snooping and prodding the way prospective slave owners did to slaves on the auction block trying to emascuclate the dr. as if he is not man - can you imagine how the UBP will treat the rest of us?!
Dunkley says he is about the future yet he has yet to denounce henry tucker, ss toddings and the racist history of his party - how honest is he then? Not very. Dunkley and the UBP are not about love - he is about only accepting change on his terms - that's why Wayne Furbert and Max Burgess had to go.
Monday, November 26, 2007
Posted by
2:26 AM