Within hours of the election writ being dropped the UBP kicks things off with another of their website hit pieces, this one called "Bermuda Deserves Better’".
You don't need to read more than the first paragraph to see the tone of campaign that the UBP intend to run:
Ok, let's dismiss the beginner levels.
Firstly, common decency demands that you don't attack someone personally with utter lies. Let's at least have the maturity and guts to give the PLP credit where credit is due in these areas. To do otherwise is cowardly.
Secondly, by Dunkley criticizing someone of gutter politics, while resorting to gutter politics in the same breath doesn't really seize the high ground does it?
Thirdly, we might recall that not long ago, Dunkley was delivering a speech using illegally stolen police documents. That would be both immoral and unethical.
The UBP hypocrisy is simply astounding. Not only are they guilty of Double talk, but of double standards as well.
Dunkley has repeatedly run a dirty campaign of lies and hysteria, but the PLP have stayed very measured through it all. The hysteria and low blows has been entirely from the UBP camp, culminating in the disgraceful use of the pro UBP media for vicious personal attacks and character assassination.
There have been some big lies coming out from the UBP lately, but particularly in the wake of the stolen Police files. Namely that the files were not stolen.
This is only going to get worse though as the 7 week campaign progresses. In fact, the black UBPers have been pretty wound up since Dunkley stabbed Wayne Furbert in the back and took over, and the problem is that you can't keep escalating this kind of backstabbing without completely losing credibility.
Now on to what this is really about: "Dunkley can't be trusted."
The UBP are aware that the public (and apparently many in the party) have trust issues about Dunkley because he stabbed his so called friend Wayne Furbert in the back to steal the leadership of the soon to be defunct UBP, so they're trying to create some false doubt about the PLP.
Despite Dunkley's flights of fancy, this isn't a Presidential election. The hysteria, lies and politics of personal destruction are what Dunkley and his inner circle tried to achieve with the stolen Police files.
These are only the earliest days of this campaign. That kind of start on the UBP's part doesn't bode well.
The PLP should stay above the fray and not take the bait. The UBP want a drag down knock down nasty fight, but they want to transfer their tactics onto the other side.
If he starts this way, imagine how Dunkley'll have to finish?